A bit of ancient history here – a pioneering podcast from Jan 9, 2007! It was the Inaugural Australian Poetry Show with Maggie Ball on Passionate Internet Voices Talk Radio with Lillian Cauldwell out of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Before most of us had even heard of Skype, Maggie teed up this 3-way VOIP conversation between Adelaide, Newcastle and Ann Arbor, Michigan. I seem to remember that Maggie’s computer wouldn’t cooperate and at the last minute she had to phone in on a landline. But it all worked and my interview – mostly talking about my just-released first full collection micromacro which Maggie had recently reviewed for her website The Compulsive Reader – went relatively smoothly.
I found the mp3 of the show on some old files last week and uploaded it to Soundcloud.
Since that interview Maggie and I have collaborated on a few different poems. Reintarnation appeared in Loud Zoo. Radiology appeared in Policies & Procedures, Medical Journal of Australia and Best Australian Science Writing, 2016. There are also a couple more which haven’t been published yet. All of this despite the fact that we’ve never met face-to-face! It’s all been collaboration by email and mp3. Maggie lives out of Newcastle, NSW. Perhaps one day we’ll actually meet!