print journals

Malevolent Soap


process poem 2

mr miles

up here on Swanston



Wild Leek Press Postcard Poetry Series

poems Sadako’s doll

The girl on the train to Shikama




Tamba #60

poem paddock bathtub

(forthcoming July)


fourW #27 New Writing 2016

short story The River

(ed. David Gilbey) fourW Press, Wagga Wagga, NSW

978-0-9942020-2-4     BUY


Rabbit Poetry Journal

crabbing from James Well to Rogues Point (prose-poem)

(ed. Jessica Wilkinson) #19 Dec 2016

ISBN 978-0-53901-0-2

ISSN 2200-9868


Medical Journal of Australia

radiology (poem – a collaboration with Maggie Ball)

(April, 2016)



Australian Poetry Journal (Vol. 5 No. 1)


(July 2015)




speaking in tongues

NEW WRITING 2014 (ed. David Gilbey)

Australian Poetry 4.1


Vol 4 Issue 1





retired banker in a nursing home

NEW WRITING 2013 (ed. David Gilbey)


Unusual Work

Accents, If I were a subjunctive clause

Issue #14

collective effort press (ed. π.o.)

(June, 2013)


21D literary and art magazine

Issue 4, hard copy & e-copy: ISSN 18386512

(April 2013)




Rabbit Poetry Journal/ CD

The girl on the train to Shikama

(February, 2013)



Rabbit Journal

seeing it all clearly while my glasses are repaired

meta poem

(No. 4, May 2012.)

Illya’s Honey (US)

Dallas Poets Community

my left hand

a cup

Vol 18, No. 2

(Spring/ Summer 2012)

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