the cross-dressing walking-stick.









This minibeast (that looks like a preying mantis designed by a committee) is a native of Australia, yet I’d never seen one until a few years ago. I was so amazed by this creature that I wrote a poem about it. The poem was re-drafted many times over several years. I submitted it all over the place but couldn’t find a willing publisher. Ironically it was eventually accepted by Divan (one of Australia’s first online poetry journals) where I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to publish my work for years! Have a peek HERE.

I’m proud to join the following poets in Divan edition 7: J Alice, Louis Armand, Janine Baker, Connie Barber, Catherine Bateson, Kevin Bonnett, Janice Bostok, Pam Brown, Sam Byfield, Sherryl Clark, MTC Cronin, Athena Dennis, Alison Eastley, Kevin Gillam, Jeff Guess, Libby Hart, Lia Hills, Jill Jones, Paula Jones, Jayne Fenton Keane, Geoff Lemon, Debbie Lim, Ray Liversidge, Earl Livings, Kent MacCarter, Julie Maclean, Marlene Marburg, Ian McBryde, J R McRae, Dianne Millett, Mark Miller, Rebecca Page, Michael Riley, Tracey Rolfe, Robyn Rowland, Philip Salom, Carla Sari, Barry Scott, Andrea Semeniuk, Lorraine Sim, Alex Skovron, Ken Smeaton, Ian C Smith, Marian Spires, Vicki Thorton, Miles Trench, Julie Waugh, John West, Irene Wilkie, Fiona Wright and Ouyang Yu.

Thanks to editor Dr Earl Livings for acknowledging my work.
(photo courtesy of Wikipedia)