ken bolton loves lee marvin

KenBoltonYou may not meet Lee Marvin, but if you’re anywhere near Adelaide on Tuesday night, you should be in Anster Street.. $5 buys you admission, the chance to hear new writing being read by its author, a glass of wine and pleasant conversation with an intelligent group of people. At least that’s been my experience. If I could afford the fare, I’d be there myself…9 Anster St., Adelaide (off Waymouth at the King William end, near FAD nightclub)7.30 for a prompt 8 PM start   Price $55th Reading APRIL 29     o LEE MARVIN AND THE NO-NO MENRachel Hennessy   Cath Kenneally   Eva Sallis   Ken Bolton   Teri Hoskin 

best poetry, best wine, wurst meal…

LangmeilVinesAhh, the memories! Exactly a year ago tonight we strutted our stuff in the Barossa Valley.11/04/07: What a pleasure and an honour it was to perform with Louise Nicholas, Judy Dally, Jude Aquilina and Bob Magor for Poets and Platters at Langmeil Winery tonight. 209 people paid $30 and enjoyed magnificent poetry (introduced by author & former Test-cricketer Ashley Mallett), award-winning premium Langmeil wines and a supper of locally-produced breads, grapes olives, ham and wurst, pâté and slices. Truly a celebration for the senses, the heart and the soul! Here in Himeji in spring, it seems so far away and long ago…