square pegs

… and so to September. This month we’ve released my latest collection Square Pegs – a genre-bending anthology of my short stories, memoir, poems and essays dedicated to those of us who don’t quite fit. My editor and publisher is Matt Potter of Truth Serum Press. My thanks to Matt for the care and attention he’s lavished on my manuscript in bringing it to publication.

Square Pegs is available online through all the usual outlets as a paperback and digitally through iTunes and ePub.


Things literary in August:

12th.  Jennifer Liston and I launch Epicurean, an ekphrastic collection of poems based on SALA artworks on the theme of food, @ Campbelltown ArtHouse. We hope to publish the collection early in 2019.

16 th.  I did my first public performance of my short memoir ‘Holding on’ at TenX9 Storytelling event, The Jade, Adelaide.

5th Guest reader at Southern Performers Interactive Network, to promote gods for a new world, Duke’s Café, Moana.



My July writerly events:

1st : Launch of Belinda Broughton’s book A Slip of the Tongue. From my blurb on the back cover: “This is distilled cartography of a woman’s life. From a child’s-eye view of drought and hardship in the outback to the pains and love of motherhood, Broughton turns her lens of brevity and poignancy on a rich life.” Beautiful poetry.

4th No Wave poetry featuring Michael Aitken, Dom Symes, Cary Hamlyn and Matthew Morison at the Wheatie.

7th: To celebrate its 40th anniversary and twenty years at Port Adelaide, Ginninderra Press had a weekend of celebrations. I was part of a panel discussion ‘What good does poetry do?’ at Tea Tree Gully Library.

8th. Launch of Ginninderra’s Wild Anthology at East Ave Books, Clarence Park. I performed my poem treecreeper from the book.

10th Launch of gods for a new world, my Ginninderra Press Pocket Poets chapbook at Halifax Café. Thanks to my launcher Mike Hopkins!

24th. I launched Ian Coull’s latest poetry book On the Road to Somewhere Else at Halifax Café



So here are the writerly things that happened in June:

12th. Caroline Reid’s excellent creative writing workshop at Once and Again Café, Plympton Park.

15th. Laurie Anderson performing and talking about her latest book ‘All the Things I Lost in the Flood’ Elder Hall, North Terrace, Adelaide.

Laurie’s essays HERE.