Science and Poetry


I once wrote this review in Cordite on Tony Page’s Gateway to the Sphinx in which I explored the connections between Science and Poetry.

Many others more learned and eloquent than me have also written of the nexus between Science and The Arts. See the article by Freya Dougan-Whaite,

or the book Challenging the Divide: Approaches to Science and Poetry (Lythrum Press) by Erica Jolly. Last Tuesday I went to RiAus on Friendly Street.

We had all kinds of work on the science theme from Mike Hopkins, Simon Hanson, David Harris, Alison Flett, Steve Brock, Louise McKenna, Kahil Jureidini, Maggie Emmett, Stephen Lawrence, Erica Jolly, Ian Gibbins, John Rice, Janine Baker, performance poet Royce. My apologies to the several others I can’t remember.

I debuted my homage to Kahil Jureidini entitled String Theory Unstrung (A Faith of Particles.)
Thanks to all who came and presented (including the ones I’ve forgotten!) and thanks to the Royal Institution of Australia for continuing to encourage the Science/Poetry connection.

(Image courtesy of NASA)

2 thoughts on “Science and Poetry

  1. Loved your homage to Kahil Jureidini Rob. Worth another rendition at Friendly Street on Tuesday.

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