wooing a lady through an attorney


Poet friend and Max-Mo collaborator Amelia Walker (currently in The Netherlands) has started a great bilingual poetry website called ‘Vrijage een dame via een advocaat‘ (“wooing a lady through an attorney”). Her intent is to introduce some of her favourite Oz poets to a Netherlands audience, improve her own Dutch and get a bit of cross-cultural dialogue going. Australian poets so far are Andy Jackson and Deb Matthews-Zott.
Visit the site HERE.
Good luck with the project Amelia!


3 thoughts on “wooing a lady through an attorney

  1. I admire her not just for throwing herself into learning Dutch but doing it in such an ambitious way – translating poetry from English into the native language of her host country… That’s pretty gutsy!

  2. Pingback: Tassie river goes Dutch… at rob walker poet

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